Dividenden. And how Gutmann selects them.
Our mission.
We ignore the noise of the markets and concentrate our investments in the most successful companies with established track records. We focus on those companies with long-term perspectives for growth, high profitability and attractive dividends.
The Gutmann dividend strategy.
Your dividend portfolio at Gutmann is characterized by 3 main features:
We invest in companies with stable dividend payments.
Our investment goal is to invest in global companies who pay a dividend that is as stable as possible throughout the economic and financial market cycle. We focus on companies who produce goods found in the most diverse areas of life every day.
We invest with conviction.
We invest in 60 selected companies worldwide. Only if we are absolutely convinced of their business model, will the share be included in your portfolio. We place emphasis on the continuity and growth of the dividend and Free Cash Flow generation. The weighting of the investment depends on the market capitalization, diversification, and liquidity of the company.
We are not traders, but investors.
As investors, we think long-term and strategically. Five themes determine the strategic direction of your portfolio.
Our investment strategy is based on 5 strategic themes.
Our portfolio companies supply the world with everyday goods and pay attractive dividends.
Health Care
Medical progress is developing at a fast pace. We identify and invest in pharmaceutical and medical technology companies that benefit from these developments.
(Digital) Infrastructure
We invest in (digital) infrastructure companies that generate stable dividends (spanning from electricity suppliers to telecom companies).
Daily consumption
Companies found within this area produce consumer goods for daily use.
These companies form the fundamental infrastructure of any economy. Our investments can be found in companies that produce raw industrial materials and machinery.
These companies established within this sector are service providers from the financial industry, primarily insurance companies, with proven business models and attractive dividends.
Do you have any questions?
The Gutmann dividend strategy is a core element of our asset management. We offer the strategy in a mutual fund with different tranches (distributors in EUR and USD with and without currency hedging as well as institutional tranche). When implemented within a special fund, individual requirements can be taken into account (e.g. sustainability, Austrian eco-label (UZ49) and FinAnKo, etc.). Please contact us for a personal offer.
The aim is to invest in the shares of best in class companies with proven business models and a stable dividend distribution.
The focus of our share selection process utilizes a bottom-up analysis of individual companies, their dividend policy and business prospects. We view the core company holdings as long-term investments. When we invest in a company, we ask ourselves: "Would we also buy and hold the entire company?"
The organization of Gutmann's equity fund management team is based on various investment sectors. Each fund manager follows specific sectors, analyses, investment opportunities and sector trends, which allows the manager to identify the most attractive companies and most interesting investment opportunities.
Investment proposals are regularly discussed within the team. Acquiring a stock in the portfolio is decided on the basis of the share's valuation and including other considerations, such as the effect of the position within the overall composition of the portfolio, ensuring sufficient diversification within the portfolio.
The portfolio consists of appoximately 60 individual shares. The success of your portfolio is not determined by the current trend found within the stock market. We invest globally in profitable companies who generate free cash flow. Our portfolio also includes some technology companies as well. However, the vast majority of the positions are pharmaceutical or consumer staples and telecommunications companies, as well as financial service providers, such as insurance companies.
Your portfolio is tailored to you, your needs and your risk profile. With every investment, the possible return depends directly on the risk. Therefore, the higher the possible return, the higher the risk.
By spreading the investments into several different securities, the overall risk of the entire portfolio can be reduced. Nevertheless, individual risks cannot be ruled out. Investments assets found within money markets and capital markets are, among others, subject to the following risks: price risk, currency risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and operational risk. Your client advisor will gladly go into detail regarding these risks during your personal meeting.